Why integrate Salesforce and Calendly?

Posted on: Jul 15, 2023

Here are 6 reasons why:

    Email campaign concept image
  1. Streamlined scheduling process

    The integration makes it easy to schedule meetings with prospects and customers. You can simply create a Calendly link and add it to your Salesforce records.
  2. Automated workflow

    The integration can automate your workflows, such as sending email notifications when a meeting is scheduled or canceled. While this is something you can do in Calendly directly, there are details you may want to retrieve from your CRM or dynamic resources and links.
  3. Data synchronization

    The integration keeps your Salesforce data up-to-date, so you always have the latest information about your meetings.
  4. Improved lead qualification

    By seeing which prospects and customers are actually interested in meeting with you, you can focus your sales efforts on the most promising leads. In other words, create reports based on your meetings in Salesforce to measure your customers best interests and talking points.
  5. Tracked sales pipeline

    The integration can help you to track your sales pipeline by automatically updating Salesforce with information about scheduled and canceled meetings. This shows you where your users are at in the pipeline and how you can drive them forward
  6. Increased meeting efficiency

    By eliminating the need to back-and-forth with prospects and customers about meeting times, you can save time and get down to business faster.

Now what?

Now that you know, you can go ahead and integrate Salesforce and Calendly. Need help? Start the conversation by filling out this form.
Credit: Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash